
Woohooo the official jc chasez website have been updated and they confirm a new album is on the way in 2006, they also confirmed the list of producers working on the album including "Dallas Austin, Timbaland, Jimmy Harry" i dunno why lots of ppl hate jc personally i think he's underrated.

Woohooo the official jc chasez website have been updated and they confirm a new album is on the way in 2006, they also confirmed the list of producers working on the album including "Dallas Austin, Timbaland, Jimmy Harry" i dunno why lots of ppl hate jc personally i think he's underrated.
Just thought I'd bring you up to speed on the album. The song that has been online, "I'm not sleeping alone", is completey done. Mixed and Mastered! And the rest of the album is in the process of being mixed and mastered. I'll keep you posted!
title: I'm Not Sleeping Alone (clip)
time: 02:38 bitrate: 128kbps size: 2.4mb
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time: 02:38 bitrate: 128kbps size: 2.4mb
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