Tune Of the Week : Röyksopp's Don't Go Came Back!
The story behind this track, this was recorded in the first 2002 Röyksopp album "Melody A.M." era but they decided not to include it in the album since it's style didn't fit with the rest of the tracks in any ways . A year later in 2003 they released the double disc "French Limited Edition" version of "Melody A.M." & "Don't go" finally saw the light as bonus track on the Extra disc. Funny thing they didn't know back then that this track "Don't Go" was going to be the trigger to their recent Electro-Dance style the adopted on the new album "The Understanding"! They discovered that style way before they even thought of creating a new album, if you listen to "Don't Go" you will imediately notice the obvious resemblance with "Only This Moment" & "Beautiful Day Without You". It's considered a Rare track since it was released on a France Only limited Edition. "Don't Go" is such a Brilliant Electro-Dance track it starts as a plain old skool beat then slowly builds with space zooming ambient echoes, smooth progressing munchy beat, airy almost unnoticable vocals, juicy accelerating electropop keys & tickling bleeps. "Don't Go" is a proof that Röyksopp are geniuses since they Created their future in the past.
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