R. Kelly SexTape To Be Shown In Court!
*The singer has always denied allegations made three years ago, A video which allegedly shows R Kelly having sex with an underage girl is set to be shown in court.
*A US judge has ruled that the tape should be shown to the public and that it is "the whole crux and lynchpin of the case", reports the BBC.
*Prosecutors and defence lawyers in the Chicago court asked the judge to restrict the screening of the video to the jurors, the legal team and the judge because the contents were so explicit that they would embarass the girl, who is now 21.
*But the judge ruled there was no "overarching interest" in banning the tape from public view.
*Allegations against the singer, who has denied 14 counts of child pornography, were made three years ago but the case has not yet come to trial.
*Prosecutors claim the tape was recorded when the girl in question may have been as young as 13.
Source: NME