Nelly Furtado Loose Review
i know everyone already heard the album a million times but i'm just playing it for the 2nd time
while typing this review so don't brag about hearing it last week lol!
From the first 10 seconds of "Afraid" i get the feeling that this opening track will be
another poprock track that iwill forget once i get to the next track but oh no fe seconds later
& i knew that its going to be one of the highlights when the electronic echoes started to swing
form speaker to speaker & the whole gloomy/dark feeling captured me & gave me a
taste of how well produced the next songs are going to be. "Maneater" starts and i start
singing along with it until at 2:55 when my favourite bit comes "You'll wish you never ever met her at all"
but for some reson it soudned weirdly different i could swear i hear new music with but
i ignored thinking it will just fade out liek the radio edit..but ohh no theres a whole new outro verse
with new lyrics that little piece just renewed my love for the track i now like it even more,
Next is "Promiscuous Girl" i dont wanna write much about it its the first song i heard
before "Loose" was released & i many times told friends that it sounds like a track britney
would pick for her albums (a good thing trust me) going to the next track "Glow" this might
sound stupid but it reminds me of frogs and swamps it's probably the pipe effect all through
the song it wouldn't sound out of place if they ever use it on a ghosts animated movie
produced by "Tim Burton" the track itself sounds animated to me it's just weird.. did i say frogs ?
lol, anyway NEXT "Showtime" is very sultry/jazzy quite nice a change after few upbeat songs
its got a feel good sound to it it's the kind song that u hear 10 years later and gives u flashbacks
of the days when "loose" just leaked it also have some R&B traces in the begining don't it! Ok with
"No Hay Igual" at first it soudned to me like a red indians ritual music something a tribe would
sing while dancing around the fire but then..uh no there no then..it still sounds like that
still there's no doubt that its an automatic ass shaker. "Te Busque" the intro to this song
immediately brings the "Sugababes - Shape" chords into my head, & the song itself sounds like
a famous mexican series theme song, Usually i hate male guests on female songs specially if its rap
but on this the latin vocals of "Juanes" are adding more spice to it its neither a ballad or uptbeat just a medtempo checkpoint. Next is "Say It Right" haunting echoey music accompanied
by middleeastern tabla looping beat & electric guitar squeaks through some parts creating
some kind of a melancholic/lost feeling & an arguemental version of nelly furtado. Haha now "
Do It" is such a silly girlie song it sounds like an improved version of "Gwen Stefani - crash"
mixed with "Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" in a pink juice blender with shiny rainbow stars stickers all over it, very cute. "In God's Hands" typical acoustic pop ballad, soft melody,
great lyrics and the fact its sang by nelly with all the current loose hype it does makes it a tad
special but still this could've been sang by anyone and still sound good & it continues with
her relaxed vocals showcase on "What I Wanted" i'm sure those 2 will grow on me even
more after a couple more plays. Next is "Wait For You" and wow it feels soo good to hear a
vintage style timbaland production i havent heard a track like it since brandy's afordisiac era
smart move from him and nelly to bring this sound back again, complicated production with
exotic arabian nights mood and urban feeling together creating a nice buddha bar moment t
his is difinetly the most R&B-ish song on the album. ahh the moment i been waiting
"All Good Things (Come To An End)" ever since i heard the news of collaboration & that coldplay frontman Chris Martin co-wrote it & contributed his vocals to it but that moment of joy is
not even near complete WTF they removed his vocals this sux i dunno what's their excuse but
it would hav ebeen 10 times better if they kept it, still i consider it one of my fav tracks on the album
& IM STILL MAD AT EMI..DIE U BITCHES! Now jumping to the 2 Japanese bonus tracks first
"Let My Hair Down" why the hell didnt they include it as regular track ?? i love love love it
you can hear a dirty, slutty, dark seductive version of nelly even though there is not many
heavy layers of music still the sleaziness of it creates a tense condensed vibe its almost hypnotic
if it was a movie theme i would say 007 or charlies angels its just decievingly sexy. with that said
it only leads us to the encore of the japanese retail of loose with "Somebody To Loose" the first time i played the album i really didn't give a damn about it i even told my friend "Me No Likey"
but now playing it for the second time its actually sounds good the whole latin theme with loud piano keys
is always a good way to end a show gives that final boost before they say goodbye...So from intro to encore nelly succeeded in creating a theatrical pop show squeesed into a round piece of plastic
filled with aluminum of some kind called a CD, all youhave to do is insert it picture side up
hit the triangle button and enjoy.
I'm glad the album is more "POP" than "R&B" & the fact Timbaland used alot of "Electro" sounds making this album, The only things i'm really upset about is that "Let My Hair Down" is a bonus track which means no chance of becoming a single & the fact that they removed "Chris Martin (Coldplay Frontman)
" Vocals from "All Good things (Come To An End)" soo for that reason i give the album 9/10!
I will be chilling through this summer with a big glass of icey pineapple slush & a bunch of pop culture magazines listening to "loose" loudly on my mp3 player by the pool.
Now i don't care if you downloaded it or your cousin bought it or ur friend is going to copy it for u or
even if your mom thinks she's a cunt.. GO OUT & BUY IT THIS IS AN ORDER. "Loose"
is something everyone should own on his CD collection & if u dont then shame on you.