Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Ok so i find an email in my inbox from my friend ozzy and in short term this is what it's all about "our friend n his cousin "DIVA" asked ozzy to help him with an assignment for college which they have to "Do a report of texas chainsaw massacre Movie"..& ozzy did a great job , look 4-ur-self:

Q 1 : In what way is this article related to or connected to your HD course?

In a very vivid way, because The movie has to do bout a serial killer who murders people to wear their body parts to look better or lets say normal, just like me when I put on make-up & foundation that an innocent animal has to suffer & be murdered to gain a tiny part of its body like the whale etc, to look prettier & more like a true DIVA.

UNFORTUNATELY the eagle eye diva noticed the CRAPNESS & fixed it right before he hand it to his teacher ! "thats a shame!" hehehsmilie